Thursday, September 11, 2008

Guarantee a temp table is dropped

The pupose of this post is to demonstrate the correct method of creating a temp table.
The key is to make sure that the drop statements are wrapped with an if statement and
placed both prior to table creation and after its use.
This is another argument for using temp table variables and common table expressions

EXISTS(SELECT name FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE type = N'U' AND name like N'#tModelItems%') DROP TABLE #tModelItems;

CREATE TABLE #tModelItems(
ItemNbr varchar (15),
QuantityPer decimal(11,3),
GroupCode char(1),
GroupCodeDesc varchar(50),
DrawingInd char(10),

--Use table

IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE type = N'U' AND name like N'#tModelItems%') DROP TABLE #tModelItems;

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