Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SQL Restore Database with Move

This is my standard restore to a different location. This is basically the script from the help file so I don't have to find it any more.

The script assumes that the data base has been created and will be overwritten.

The first script gets the file lay out and names which needs to be inserted into the second call. It demonstrates more than one logical location in a mdf file. It can use UNC file navigation.

Restore FileListonly from disk = '[File location][file name].BAK';

Run the first query to get the logical name prior running the second

The file location must be relative the machine that the restore is being done so it must be a local drive as demonstrated in the sample. I have not found a way to restore from a remotely located drive.

Restore Database [database name] FROM DISK = '[File location][file name].BAK'
WITH MOVE '[LogicalName]' TO 'C:\restored_databases\[filename].mdf'
, MOVE '[LogicalName_1]' To 'C:\restored_databases\[filename_1].mdf'
, MOVE '[LogicalName_log]' To 'C:\restored_databases\[filename_log].ldf'
, stats = 5

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