Queries all enabled agent jobs and returns either jobs not in success status or jobs where the run time is greater than the run time of the last X runs + the standard deviation of the last X runs. The default is 10 but is set in the opening @TargetDate statement.This will reduce the number of jobs that need interrogating.
DECLARE @TargetDate DATE = DATEADD(d, -10, GETDATE());
--PRINT @TargetDate;
--PRINT FORMAT(MONTH(@TargetDate), 'd2');
DECLARE @RunTo INT = CAST(CAST(YEAR(@TargetDate) AS NCHAR(4)) + FORMAT(MONTH(@TargetDate), 'd2') + FORMAT(DAY(@TargetDate), 'd2') AS INT);
(job_id uniqueidentifier
, avgRunDurationLast10 decimal(10,2)
, stdRunDurationLast10 decimal(10,2)
WITH cteLast10DaysJobs AS
, run_duration
FROM msdb..sysjobhistory
WHERE step_id = 0
AND run_status = 1
AND run_date >= @RunTo
INSERT INTO @tJobHistory
,AVG(CAST (run_duration as float))as average_run_duration
,COALESCE(STDEV(CAST (run_duration as float)), 0) as stddev_run_duration
FROM cteLast10DaysJobs
--WHERE job_id = '0AF6CA6E-E573-4FB8-B065-EE9994F3898D'
GROUP BY job_id
sj.name AS Job_Name
,sjh.[message] AS Job_Message
, CASE sjh.run_status
WHEN 0 THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 1 THEN 'Success'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Retry'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Cancelled'
END AS Job_Status
,sjh.run_date AS Last_Run_Date
,sjh.run_time AS Job_Last_Run_Time
,sjh.run_duration AS Total_Run_Time
,jh.avgRunDurationLast10 AS Avg_Run_Time_Last_10_Runs
, jh.stdRunDurationLast10 AS Stddev_Run_Time_Last_10_Runs
, sjh.run_duration - jh.avgRunDurationLast10 - jh.stdRunDurationLast10 AS Run_Time_Greater_Then_Dev
FROM msdb..sysjobs sj
INNER join @tJobHistory jh
ON sj.job_id = jh.job_id
INNER join msdb..sysjobhistory sjh
ON sj.job_id = sjh.job_id
WHERE sj.enabled = 1
AND sjh.step_id = 0
AND (sjh.run_duration - round(jh.avgRunDurationLast10,2) > jh.stdRunDurationLast10 OR run_status != 1)
AND instance_id in (SELECT MAX(instance_id) FROM msdb..sysjobhistory GROUP BY by job_id)
run_date desc
, sjh.run_duration - jh.avgRunDurationLast10 - jh.stdRunDurationLast10 DESC;